Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Amores Armor

alone look
for stars.

to the earth,
orchestrate orbs in apogee.

a track to distraction
with biped rhythms.

Openly gorge
on the world
each day embryonic and adored.

Laugh quickly
as one freshly weaned,
but hum songs with sages.

Jump into colder currents.
Strain to inhale.
Count every kick.

Bard stallion flanks with thighs
to rock, and climb,
wind down, and be steady.

Roll skin and sweat
into dusty
aboriginal balm.

Drink from a bard’s elixir
and nod
under star companions.


  1. ha. love it...that is a great recipe for life to the full...drinking deep!

  2. I want me some of that elixir, heaping gulps to make me drunk enough to dance naked with the stars.

  3. One thing that I will tell you about me. I never pretend to understand something if I do not, and I must say that I am kinda lost. Don't feel bad, Walking man gets these comments from me all the time! LOL

  4. That is a great achievement. It can b e read on m ore than one level. It could suit a variety of moods and require a lot or little reading. Congratulations.

  5. Here's the part I loved:
    "Roll skin and sweat
    into dusty
    aboriginal balm."


  6. These two ARE me! I have to re-print:

    "...Openly gorge
    on the world
    each day embryonic and adored.

    Laugh quickly
    as one freshly weaned,
    but hum songs with sages..."

    I laugh and love--a LOT! (Too much sometimes--grin!) And NOW I see why you MUST write...because: LITSNT. BEAUTIFUL!

    PEACE! And thank you for your really appreciated comment over my way.

  7. I love your style and depth. The concise explosion of thought is incredible! Thank you!! Love it!
