Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sunday 160 walk the road

Star thistle cracks

asphalt path

to armchair party

footrest overpass.

Awake broiled desert

nocturnal shriek

a circus Ferris wheel’s

anonymous census.

What do you do about loneliness?  Do you face it? Or do you walk on without recognizing it?

This is a post in exactly 160 characters, including spaces, a challenge by Monkey Man HERE  post on Sunday, and visit Monkey Man and one other 160 post.


  1. loneliness....if you ignore it it only deepend...face it head on...with the right parties...hmmm...tough question...

  2. Loneliness is the absence of people in your presence. I do not call that loneliness I call it isolation and there is a place for that in my mind as well.

  3. Loneliness...the truth is, I do recognize it and I cry a little and then I do something about it. Call a friend, hug my dog, work around my house.

  4. Walking Man is so right. Loneliness and isolation are two different things - loneliness is a feeling one can get from isolation. The presence of people eliminates isolation. Great 160.

  5. I've come back and read this several times, looking for words to describe my reaction. I've decided I can't, and I don't want to give you that sort of knee-jerk-being-nice empty comment we sometimes see out here in Blogland.

    I'll just say that I felt this. And that is effective writing.

  6. like how star thistles cracks the asphalt path in your 160
    and loneliness - not an easy question..sounds weird, but sometimes i think we don't realize loneliness cause we're too busy and you can be lonely in a crowd of people..

  7. You can be in a crowded room and be lonely.
    Or in the same bed...

    Loved your Sunday 160.
    You know where I'll be on Tuesday...hehehehe

  8. “The most terrible poverty is loneliness, and the feeling of being unloved.”
    -- Mother Teresa of Calcutta

    enjoyed your 150

    much love

  9. Loneliness, like every other unpleasant condition, has to be confronted and dealt with... before too much of your power has been given over to it.

    And for the fallback plan, just spend more time with us!
