Sunday, July 25, 2010

Muse-seeking Rap-Blues 160

Take the jump

straighten the slump

work the hump

angrily stomp

feel yourself cry

slowly sigh

make a try

see how high

you can fly

This is a poem in exactly 160 characters, spaces included.  The challenge is from Monkey Man, HERE  for a story or poem, posted on Sunday, let him know and visit one other 160 .


  1. Looks like a great jumping off point for flight. Thanks for being a part of the Sunday 160. They're about all I have the attention span to read as well. *smiles*

  2. nice rhyme scheme...i always wanted to fly as a little boy...

  3. Kat, if I can post it I will, my photos should speak for themselves. I will not, don't worry, post it on Tuesday Toes.

  4. A difficult challenge, yet constraints so often bring out the creative best. this one is well done, indeed.

  5. This reminds me a lot of r. Seuss's Oh, the Places You Will Go. It sounds like an anthem for self-reliance and motivation. Very nice.
