Is this the end?
Is it over?How to say it all
in the darkness
where we only feign sleep
How the coffee tastes
better before
they get up
How cold, her egg
his cereal
their bagels
How the words choked off:
Please look over the choices
keeping us safe
How the rain on the car
or the sun on the walkseemed unending
How the motocross racer
with the most wins, passed,
rolling end-overs
In honor of those who truly take risks, do their best, fight the odds to win, and love their careers, families and friends.
In honor of Nathan Woods, who died this week in a practice jump before the World Off Road Championship Series in Calif. He won the WORCS twice, over all other riders. He wore the tatoo of a photograph of his infant son's face on his forearm. His wife and two young sons are in my prayers. Photo: courtesy of google